Selected collages, sketches and photos are presented here. While some of the artworks were created in context to one of the collections most of them accured completely free.
From all the artistical products which I have created so far is this one still special for me wherefore I would like to share it with you.
It is a booklet which I realised in my first year of study. There it served as visual backup for a dress made out of denim. Its design was affected by the term "incomplete".
The booklet itself is completely made out of folded pages which could fit to the page before or behind. Therefore some of the appearing pictures seem kind of surreal.
| Nadja
These mixed media works are early Illustrations where I focused on shifting different landscapes and putting them together in an unusual constellations. They reflect the content of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus and is conductive to the identically named collection "IKARUS-Leaving the maze" as carrier of the mood.
| Nadja